The Chancel Choir, directed by Jonathan Osbrink, leads worship at the Sunday service and at other special occasions and services. They meet from September to June. Our talented and versatile choir sings a wide range of musical styles, from traditional choral masterpieces to world music from non-Western cultures. Members and friends of Calvary are invited to join. Older youth are also invited to join. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Choir Room downstairs. Find the choir room by driving through the parking lot, to the back side, lower level of the sanctuary and enter through the metal gate. The choir does not rehearse during the summer.
The Chancel Bell Choir, directed by Jonathan Osbrink, plays a 5-octave set of Sclumerich hand bells. The bell choir enriches our worship service normally once a month. Their beautiful sound resonates through the sanctuary and fills listeners with joy. The Bell Choir welcomes any who are interested to join - training is available.
Rehearsals are held Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Choir Room during September - June.

As of July 2021, we have one worship service at 9:45 a.m. with both praise music and traditional hymns. Jon Osbrink leads the praise songs. If you are musically inclined and want to sing with him, leading the praise songs, Email with contact information and we will call you.
Contact us to learn more about joining any of our musical groups and check out the link below to see more opportunities to get involved.